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From The Sticks - FreeManOfTheLand

Domingo, 09.06.13

Os From The Sticks são Rick, Tom, Nick e Adam, uma banda de Peterborough, na Inglaterra, que se formou em maio de 2011 e que se insere no universo sonoro indie rock mais dançável. Como os próprios dizem, a música que fazem It's a kinda indie thing, with a dance bite e dizem que têm uma missão bem específica; We are just four practical strangers brought together in a musical brotherhood. On a mission to bring you the stories of Life, from the serious to the comical.

FreeManOfTheLand é o EP de estreia do quarteto, um trabalho que tem como grandes destaques Wonderful Wonderful e DMT, um tema editado poucos dias antes do último natal e cujo video peculiar, feito durante seis meses pela prória banda, tem sido um enorme sucesso. Mas também gostei muito de Watch Me, uma canção que tem um baixo com um excelente groove.

Agradeço aos From The Sticks por terem acedido ao meu pedido de uma entrevista que podes conferir abaixo e por se terem disponibilizado a dar-me algumas informações preciosas sobre o grupo. Enquanto o longa duração de estreia não chega, divulgo o EP e espero que aprecies a sugestão...


- Where did the idea of the name "From The Sticks" appear? 
Well we really wanted to give the band a name that meant something and wasn't just a bunch of words pulled out of a hat, when suddenly it hit us. We all live in rural area's also known as Fenlands or ' The Sticks ' so we really are ' From The Sticks ' and it stuck.
- I read somewhere that From The Sticks think that their music is  " a kinda indie thing, with a dance bite. " What does that mean?
 Well the difficult thing with our music is the fact we really don't try to be 'like' anything, so i think it just means that we have that obvious raw indie feel to us with a hint of something 'hopefully' new.

- When the EP will be released?
The EP is currently being processed by itunes and spotify and other stores but should hopefully be released be the end of May

- How is the composing process of the band? One of you do the songs, other one write the lyrics, or it's all made as a team?
What happens I 'Rick the singer' will write the song on my acoustic and when I thinks its worthy will bring it to the rest of the band to ' cook it ' so it is a team effort.

- I love the song "That Girl On The Red Dress? Who wrote it and... who inspired the "poet"?
Once again it was a team effort and it was inspired by the average night out of any male and female in a club drinking dancing and so on.

- What is the favourite song of the band on the EP?
Hard to say but we are looking forward to the music video for 'Boom Boom'

- How about an album? There are any plans?
We are already thinking about an album yes.

- And concerts? Are you on the road or there are any plans in the next weeks/months?
Yes, we are currently planning a small tour and have a lot of shows in the works.

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publicado por stipe07 às 20:39

Curtas... CVII

Domingo, 09.06.13

A ScionAV continua oferecer temas originais incluidos numa compilação que celebra o 10º aniversário da marca. O último tema disponibilizado é um inédito de Chromatics. Red Car foi excluído da playlist final para o álbum Kill For Love, de 2012, mas pode agora ser ouvido e obtido em modo ÉFV. Confere...


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publicado por stipe07 às 18:32

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