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Os meus filmes da década de 80.

Sábado, 30.07.11

Todos os que me são contemporâneos recordam-se certamente de ter começado a desenvolver a sua veia cinéfila na década de oitenta. E tudo começou com o fascínio que eram as sessões de domingo à tarde nas salas de cinema que existiam em praticamente todas as localidades do país e que eram autênticos locais de peregrinação semanal. Hoje, muitas dessas salas foram adquiridas por privados e estão também convertidas em locais de culto, mas onde se vendem curas, milagres e promessas de um lugar no paraíso de acordo com as oferendas monetárias que deixarmos no final da cerimónia.

Com o advento e proliferação dos centros comerciais, a globalização da internet e o desenvolvimento de canais de televisão temáticos com possibilidade de subscrição de conteúdos cinéfilos, ir ao cinema deixou de ser uma necessidade e já não existe aquele encanto e sabor a aventura e novidade. Fica a nostalgia e a memória de alguns dos melhores e mais emblemáticos filmes da história do cinema, produzidos e realizados nessa década de oitenta. Os meus preferidos são...

<b>22. <i>Top Gun</i></b> (1986) There's no doubting the homoerotic subtext of the tale of fighter pilots and their pissing contests but since when is homo-eroticism a bad thing? "You can be my wingman anytime!", "Bullshit, you can be mine!"


<b>21. <i>The Karate Kid</i></b> (1984) Rocky for kids. Or at least it would be Rocky for kids if lead actor Ralph Macchio wasn't 22 at the time. 22!!! That's right folks, Daniel-San was a grown adult beating up children. Hang your head in shame Miyagi!


<b>17. <i>The King Of Comedy</i></b> (1982) From the late 70's to the early 90's, and right through the 80's, Scorsese and De Niro were at the top of their game. For proof of Rupert Pupkin's legacy, you need look no further than David Brent et al. Cringe Comedy at its most brilliantly uncomfortable.


<b>16. <i>Aliens</i></b>  (1986) How do you make a scarier film than Alien? The answer is you don't even try. The true genius of James Cameron's sequel is the choice to swap genre from Sci-Fi/Horror to Sci-Fi/Action, without this simple but brilliant change it would have been "Game Over Man", right from the start.


<b>15. <i>Ghostbusters</i></b> (1984) A truer statement could not have been made by <a href="" target="_blank">@hoverbird</a> on Twitter yesterday, "Everybody thinks <i>The Social Network</i> is the best movie about forming a start-up company, they are wrong. The best movie is <i>Ghostbusters</i>."


<b>11. <i>Raiders Of The Lost Ark</i></b> (1981) Spielberg, Lucas, Ford. The absolute holy trinity of entertainers. Throw in Nazis, supernatural shenanigans and snakes and the result is the perfect cocktail of action and adventure.


<b>10. <i>Batman</i></b> (1989) Before Christopher Nolan took the caped crusader into the real world, Tim Burton arguably had the tougher job of reinventing Batman from the camp 60's Adam West version. By doing so he paved the way for every summer since to be infested with capes and masks.


<b>8. <i>The Empire Strikes Back</i></b> (1980) When Irvin Kershner passed away earlier this year, the greatest compliment to his career was to simply state, "I love <i>The Empire Strikes Back</i>". Looking down on us we can only hope his response was a simple, "I know".


<b>7. <i>Back To The Future</i></b> (1985) 'The Power Of Love', "save the clock tower", “Great Scott!”, “It's the Libyans!”, 88mph, “This is Heavy!”, The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance, “1.21 Gigawatts”, Earth Angel, “I'm your density” and most importantly, “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything”. A true classic in every possible way.


<b>6. <i>The Terminator</i></b> (1984) Watching it now, James Cameron's ultimate killing machine oozes 80's out of every cyborg pore (just check out the club Tech Noir) but it still hasn't aged a day in terms of ground breaking effects and tension. Go with it, if you want a textbook definition of rollercoaster thrills.


<b>3. <i>Raging Bull</i></b> (1980) The second 80's De Niro/Scorsese combo to make the list (they only made two) asked all the questions <i>Rocky</i> failed to. "How much of a beating can one man take?", "How do you cook a good steak", and most pressingly, “Did you fuck my wife?”.


<b>2. <i>Blade Runner</i></b> (1982) Original, director's, definitive or final cut - whichever version of Ridley Scott's science fiction classic you lay your hands onn you're sure of an incredible movie experience. Just don't ask Ridley or Harrison to debate if Deckard's a replicant. You're likely to reach your expiration date before they reach a consensus.


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publicado por stipe07 às 11:51

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